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Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) is a composite material consisting of a mortar of hydraulic cement and fine aggregate reinforced with alkali resistant glass fibers from Nippon Electric Glass Company in Japan . The GRC may contain additional filler materials, pozzolanic materials and admixtures. The fiber contents are typically 3% to 5% by weight depending on product application and production method employed. The properties of GRC depend on a wide range of variables. These include method of manufacture, mix formulation, fiber product type, length and orientation, admixtures used, etc. A GRC material may therefore be tailored to meet the particular requirements of a specific application. The information given is mainly refers to GRC made by the spray and premix processes. These GRC materials have been widely used for many years and their properties and characteristics studied extensively.


Glass fiber concretes are mainly used in exterior building facade panels and as architectural precast concrete. Glass fiber reinforced concrete consists of high strength glass fiber embedded in a contentious matrix.



Glass fiber concretes are mainly used in exterior building facade panels and as architectural precast concrete. Glass fiber reinforced concrete consists of high strength glass fiber embedded in a contentious matrix.


The cement shall be Ordinary Portland Cement supported by suitable certification. Cement shall be obtained from one source throughout process of production. Cement shall be correctly stored and kept dry to avoid deterioration.


Silica sand should be washed and dried to remove soluble matter, and to permit control of the water/cement ratio. Sand added to the mix shall not exceed 50% by weight of the total mix and sand/cement ratio shall not exceed.


Water shall be potable clean and free from deleterious matter that may interfere with the color, setting, or strength of the concrete.


The manufacturer shall ensure that any admixtures used do not have any harmful effects on the product, and are used in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations such as curing compounds and accelerators. Any pigments used shall conform to BS 1014. It should be recognize that some color variation may occur, and must agree an acceptable range of variation with the producer.

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